Long Island Junior Soccer League

League Championship Tiebreakers

  1. Head-to-head matches among the tied teams
  2. Goal difference in all group matches
  3. Goals scored in all group matches
  4. Wins in all group matches
  5. If more than two teams are tied, all head-to-head criteria below are applied exclusively to this subset of teams
  6. Points in head-to-head matches among the tied teams
  7. Goal difference in head-to-head matches among the tied teams
  8. Goals scored in head-to-head matches among the tied teams 
  9. Disciplinary points (direct red card = 3 points, double yellow card = 3 points; single yellow card = 1 point);
  10. If teams are still tied, they will play 2×15 minute halves followed by PKs if it’s still tied. PKs will be 5 each and then sudden death if still tied

In groups with two age groups, the highest placed team in a single age group will advance. For example, a group has two U13 teams and two U14 teams, at the conclusion of group play the highest placed U13 team will advance and the highest placed U14 team will advance.