Return to Activities Responsibilities
Please read the following responsibilities for returning to play. By attending training and games it is understood that you have read and that you acknowledge your responsibilities for returning to training and play.
- Check temperature before practice.
- Don’t go to practice if:
- You have experienced Covid-19 symptoms in the past 14 days.
- You had a positive Covid-19 test in the past 14 days.
- You have had close contact with a confirmed or suspected Covid-19 case in the past 14 days.
- You have traveled to any of the restricted states or been in contact with someone who has been or is quarantined due to travel from the states on the NYS restricted travel list –
- Maintain social distancing when not doing physical activity.
- No celebrations, high fives, handshakes etc.
- Remain in your training group.
- Wear a mask to and from training.
- Bring your own equipment and don’t share food and drinks.
- Wash hands before and after training.
- Wash and sanitize equipment before and after training.
- Keep attendance for contact tracing purposes to include the following:
- Name
- Address
- Number
- Date
- Start and end time of event
- Ask each player the following 4 questions
- Have you experienced Covid-19 symptoms in the past 14 days?
- Have you tested positive to Covid-19 in the past 14 days?
- Have you had close contact with a confirmed or suspected Covid-19 case in the past 14 days?
- Have you child traveled to any of the restricted states or been in contact with someone who has been or is quarantined due to travel from the states on the NYS restricted travel list –
- Send sick players home or prevent them from taking part in practice.
- Maintain appropriate group sizes for training.
- Maintain social distance and wear a mask when not directly involved in training.
- Make sure you are the only one who handles training equipment.
- Clean and sanitize training equipment before and after each use.
- Wash and sanitize pinnies every day if they are allowed to be used.
- Check child’s temperature before practice and don’t attend if he/she has a fever of ≥ 100.4°F.
- Maintain social distancing while on the sidelines or stay in the car during practice.
- Avoid carpooling when possible.
- Wear a face covering when outside of the car.
- Ensure clothing is washed after every training session.
- Ensure equipment is sanitized before and after every training session.
- Notify the staff immediately if your child becomes ill.
- Ensure your child always has hand sanitizer.
- Distribute Covid-19 prevention protocols.
- Post signs in highly visible areas that promote everyday protective measures against Covid-19.
- Keep a list of staff and players that attend training including:
- Name
- Address
- Number
- Date
- Start and end time of event
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
- Have a plan in place to notify everyone if a player or coach has contracted Covid-19.
- Be accommodating to those players who are uncomfortable returning to play.
- Train and educate staff on protocols and requirements.
- Provide enough space for social distancing.
- Provide hand sanitizing stations.
- Keep gates and doors open when possible to reduce contact with commonly touched surfaces to reduce the spread of infection.
- Restrooms should be cleaned regularly. Hand sanitizer or soap and water should be made available, if not then bathrooms remain closed.
- Be prepared to shut down and stop operations.
Video Resources
Helpful Links
- Considerations for Youth Sports – CDC
- CDC and New York State Department of Health assemblage and distance guidelines
- COVID-19 New York State – CDC
- COVID-19 Symptoms – CDC
- Sample Signs with Symptoms, Stopping the Spread of Germs, etc., from the CDC website
- How to Protect Yourself and Others – CDC
- NYS: Re-Opening Phases & Updates
- US Soccer Return-to-Play: 5 Phases Overview
- US Soccer Play-On Guide