The mission of the LIJSL College-Bound Program is to help high school aged student-athletes understand the recruiting process, develop an effective college search strategy, and find the proper academic, social, and athletic fit that will lead to a successful college experience both on and off the field.
The program, works hard to open doors for young athletes to the league’s large network of college coaches, admissions offices, and scholarship and grant sources that can help ease the financial burden of the college education. Our belief is that there is a place for everyone to study and compete in his or her sport.
Some topics that are regularly covered in our College Bound Information Sessions:
- Nuts and bolts of college recruiting
- Parents role in the college search
- $$Show me the money$$: A Guide to Scholarships and Grants in Aid
- NCAA Eligibility Center
- How to begin your college search
- Federal Service Academies
- What is a college coach looking for in a future player?
- What is it like to play college soccer?