After a compelling groundbreaking year in the Super Y League, the LIJSL Academy is excited to announce tryout dates for the 2022 Super Y teams beginning this December.
“After our first season with the Academy Super Y program, we made tremendous progress in bringing additional opportunities to players all over Long Island. We learned a lot in our first season in the Super Y League and we are looking forward to another exciting year with the program in 2022,” Ronan Wiseman, LIJSL Academy Director.
The LIJSL Academy had an impressive debut season in the Super Y League, with over 11 teams participating, including a National Championship push by the Girls U15 (2007) team. The LIJSL Academy Super Y teams focus on providing elite-level training with highly competitive weekly summer competition.
“Both of my boys thoroughly enjoyed their time with the LIJSL Academy (Super Y). They both got to practice and play with quality and skilled players while being coached at a high level,” Felix, LIJSL Academy Super Y parent.
The upcoming tryouts are available for boys born 2004 – 2012, and girls born 2004 – 2012.
For complete tryout information including dates, locations, and times, please click here.