The Long Island Junior Soccer League, the largest youth soccer league in New York State, released its’ FINAL alignments for the upcoming Fall ’20 regular league season. Beginning its’ 55th seasonal year, LIJSL will kick off play the weekend of September 26/27th with 1300 travel teams.
A delayed start (traditional ‘first kick off’ is the weekend following Labor Day Weekend) was announced to the league membership back in June. “We felt it was important for our membership to focus on the start of the new school year, and delay (the start of) our regular league travel season by a few weeks”, commented Steve Padaetz, LIJSL’s Managing Director. “The past six months have presented unprecedented and challenging times for all of us. We received overwhelming support from our member clubs to this approach, enabling all of their player-families to concentrate on potential new return-to-school protocols”, he added.
LIJSL RETURN TO ACTIVITIES RESPONSIBILITIES follow the protocols set by its’ national governing body US Soccer ‘Play On’ as well as those of its’ State Association, ENYYSA and Government Authorities; NYS ‘Reopening New York’ – Sports And Recreation Summary Guidance
In addition to its’ traditional fall season (see Fall ’20 Calendar), the league also offers a Late Season for travel High School age groups (Born 2002-2005). Registration for that program continues through September and interested coaches should contact their LIJSL member club.